Laura Frazure

Laura Frazure is a sculptor, anatomist and educator. She recently received a Distinguished Teaching Award and was granted a promotion to Associate Professor at the University of the Arts where she was Coordinator of Sculpture/Crafts since fall 2019. Frazure has taught anatomy at The New York Academy of Art, the University of Pennsylvania, the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing and the Tianjin Academy of Fine Art in Tianjin.

Believing in classical ideas about form sense and its communicative potential, Laura models figures that are theatrical and contemporary. In her works over the past decade, she has emphasized “direct modeling”, highlighting form and form development with no subsequent mediatory processes. The sculpture shown utilizes translucent waxes coated with a thin glaze of oil paint and varnish and is constructed on a steel reinforced aluminum wire armature. The final outcome, though stable and permanent, conveys an ephemeral quality of fragile immediacy.